Register Now for May 3 Virtual Crash Course: Understanding PDBx/mmCIF
Professionals and graduate students (structural biology, cheminformatics & computational chemistry, bioinformatics & computational biology) interested in learning about strategies to take full advantage of PDB data should attend.
Understand the basics of PDBx/mmCIF data dictionary and file format that underpin archiving of more than 200,000 experimentally determined 3D biostructures in the PDB. Learn about software tools for generating and working with PDBx/mmCIF files, and programmatic access for harvesting PDB data on Wednesday May 3, 2023 (1:00 - 5:00 pm EDT).
Registration is required for the Zoom meeting information, but attendance is at no charge.
Please sign up at
1:00–1:10 PM
Welcome and Introduction
Stephen K. Burley, M.D., D.Phil., Director, RCSB PDB
1:10–1:25 PM
Introduction and course objectives
Gregg Crichlow, Ph.D., RCSB PDB, Rutgers University
1:25–1:45 PM
PDBx/mmCIF format - Not your parents’ legacy PDB format
Ezra Peisach, Ph.D., RCSB PDB, Rutgers University
1:45–2:05 PM
PDBx/mmCIF data files - Lifting the lid off the black box
Brian Hudson, Ph.D., RCSB PDB, Rutgers University
2:05-2:50 PM
Programmatic data access and analysis using PDBx/mmCIF files
Irina Persikova, Ph.D. and Chenghua Shao, Ph.D. RCSB PDB, Rutgers University
2:50-3:00 PM
Closing remarks and acknowledgements
Stephen K. Burley
RCSB PDB Biocurators: Gregg Crichlow, Justin Flatt, Sutapa Ghosh, Brian Hudson, Yuhe Liang, Ezra Peisach, Irina Persikova, Monica Sekharan, Chenghua Shao, Jasmine Young (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Visit the Rutgers Institute for Quantitative Biomedicine for full details.
Development and management of the PDBx/mmCIF data dictionary is a collaborative effort involving RCSB PDB, Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) partners, and members of the wwPDB PDBx/mmCIF Working Group.