This entry represents a domain found in type IIA topoisomerases, such as bacterial DNA topoisomerase IV (C subunit, ParC), bacterial DNA gyrases (A subunit, GyrA), and mammalian DNA toposiomerases II. DNA topoisomerases are essential enzymes that r ...
This entry represents a domain found in type IIA topoisomerases, such as bacterial DNA topoisomerase IV (C subunit, ParC), bacterial DNA gyrases (A subunit, GyrA), and mammalian DNA toposiomerases II. DNA topoisomerases are essential enzymes that regulate the conformational changes in DNA topology by catalysing the concerted breakage and rejoining of DNA strands during normal cellular growth [1].
This is the insert domain found in DNA gyrase B subunit proteins. Studies indicate that the insert has two functions, acting as a steric buttress to pre-configure the primary DNA-binding site, and serving as a relay that may help coordinate communica ...
This is the insert domain found in DNA gyrase B subunit proteins. Studies indicate that the insert has two functions, acting as a steric buttress to pre-configure the primary DNA-binding site, and serving as a relay that may help coordinate communication between different functional domains [1].
This entry represents the N-terminal section of the 'Toprim hook' as described in [1], which is localised between the Toprim (Pfam:PF01751) and the insert (Pfam:PF18053) domains [1-3]. The C-terminal section of the hook is included in (Pfam:PF00986). ...
This entry represents the N-terminal section of the 'Toprim hook' as described in [1], which is localised between the Toprim (Pfam:PF01751) and the insert (Pfam:PF18053) domains [1-3]. The C-terminal section of the hook is included in (Pfam:PF00986). The hook is flexible towards the Toprim domain.