Funding Organization(s): German Research Foundation (DFG), German-Israeli Foundation for Research and Development, European Communitys Seventh Framework Programme
Gram-negative bacteria maintain an intrinsic resistance mechanism against entry of noxious compounds by utilizing highly efficient efflux pumps. The E. coli AcrAB-TolC drug efflux pump contains the inner membrane H + /drug antiporter AcrB comprising three functionally interdependent protomers, cycling consecutively through the loose (L), tight (T) and open (O) state during cooperative catalysis. Here, we present 13 X-ray structures of AcrB in intermediate states of the transport cycle. Structure-based mutational analysis combined with drug susceptibility assays indicate that drugs are guided through dedicated transport channels toward the drug binding pockets. A co-structure obtained in the combined presence of erythromycin, linezolid, oxacillin and fusidic acid shows binding of fusidic acid deeply inside the T protomer transmembrane domain. Thiol cross-link substrate protection assays indicate that this transmembrane domain-binding site can also accommodate oxacillin or novobiocin but not erythromycin or linezolid. AcrB-mediated drug transport is suggested to be allosterically modulated in presence of multiple drugs.
Organizational Affiliation:
Institute of Biochemistry, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
FA [auth B] GA [auth B] HA [auth B] IA [auth B] JC [auth E]
FA [auth B], GA [auth B], HA [auth B], IA [auth B], JC [auth E], K [auth A], L [auth A], M [auth A], MB [auth C], N [auth A], NB [auth C], O [auth A], OB [auth C], P [auth A]
AC [auth C] BC [auth C] CC [auth C] DC [auth C] EC [auth C]
AC [auth C], BC [auth C], CC [auth C], DC [auth C], EC [auth C], GC [auth D], HC [auth D], IC [auth D], QA [auth B], RA [auth B], S [auth A], SA [auth B], T [auth A], TA [auth B], U [auth A], UA [auth B], VA [auth B], WA [auth B], XA [auth B], XB [auth C], YA [auth B], YB [auth C], ZA [auth B], ZB [auth C]