
Protein panoramix

UniProtKB accession:  Q9W2H9
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q9W2H9
UniProtKB description:  Acts via the piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway which mediates the repression of transposable elements during meiosis by forming complexes composed of piRNAs and piwi proteins and governs the methylation and subsequent repression of transposons (PubMed:26472911, PubMed:26494711). Required for transcriptional silencing of transposons targeted by piwi and confers its effects by interacting with nascent RNA transcripts (PubMed:26472911, PubMed:26494711). Likely to be recruited to nascent transcripts cotranscriptionally by piwi and to recruit additional factors involved in transcriptional silencing (PubMed:26472911). In the ovaries, forms a complex with nxf2, piwi and Nxt1 which acts as effectors of cotranscriptional transposon silencing (PubMed:31219034, PubMed:31368590, PubMed:31384064, PubMed:31570835). The interaction with nxf2 stabilizes the nuclear protein complex (PubMed:31384064).
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