
Protein Bride of doubletime

UniProtKB accession:  Q9VDE4
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UniProtKB description:  Functions in planar polarity establishment and circadian rhythms by promoting the activity and localization of dco/dbt (PubMed:24210908, PubMed:26082158, PubMed:36994075). Required for regulating the levels of dco/dbt and per in the nuclei of photoreceptor cells and thereby is involved in normal oscillations of the circadian clock proteins in the eye (PubMed:24210908, PubMed:36994075). In the dark, the cry circadian and rhodopsin visual pathways, activate the accumulation of the protein into Arr1- and Arr2-dependent cytosolic foci which are required for dco localization to photoreceptor nuclei (PubMed:24210908, PubMed:26082158, PubMed:36994075). It is possible that the accumulation into foci results in the dissociation of the protein from dco, thus allowing dco to interact with importins and microtubles for nuclear transport (PubMed:24210908, PubMed:26082158, PubMed:36994075). By promoting nuclei localization and kinase activity of dco towards per, it is essential for regulating normal cycles of per nuclear accumulation in brain circadian neurons and thus is important for normal circadian behavior (PubMed:24210908, PubMed:36994075). Essential for regulating the establishment of planar cell polarity in the wing (PubMed:32750048). Forms a complex with Ankrd49 which likely functions in the regulation of planar polarity by promoting the activity of dco during planar polarity establishment (PubMed:32750048). Within the complex, directly promotes dco activity in regulating phosphorylation and asymmetric localization of core planar polarity proteins such as dsh (PubMed:32750048).
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