

UniProtKB accession:  Q9U8Q4
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q9U8Q4
UniProtKB description:  ADP-ribosylates double-stranded DNA by targeting the N2 amino group of dG residues; 10-fold less active on tRNA. Induces apoptosis in a range of human cell lines (PubMed:10485873, PubMed:11592983). May play a role in removing unnecessary or harmful cells during pupation (Probable) (PubMed:15528160). May play a role in defense against parasitic wasps; its habitual predator Cotesia glomerata is only susceptible after removal of its eggshell or the surface of the larval caudal vesicle, while other wasps are damaged by this protein (Probable) (PubMed:23637752). The wild-type catalytic domain (residues 1-233) cannot be expressed in E.coli as it is unstable probably due to its toxicity. A catalytic domain fragment (Glu-165 mutated to Gln) binds dsDNA but not ssDNA; the presence of the linker inhibits DNA-binding (PubMed:28765284).
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