
Polycystin-2-like protein 1

UniProtKB accession:  Q9P0L9
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q9P0L9
UniProtKB description:  Pore-forming subunit of a heterotetrameric, non-selective cation channel that is permeable to Ca(2+) (PubMed:10517637, PubMed:11959145, PubMed:23212381, PubMed:25820328, PubMed:27754867, PubMed:29425510, PubMed:30004384). Pore-forming subunit of a calcium-permeant ion channel formed by PKD1L2 and PKD1L1 in primary cilia, where it controls cilium calcium concentration, but does not affect cytoplasmic calcium concentration (PubMed:24336289). The channel formed by PKD1L2 and PKD1L1 in primary cilia regulates sonic hedgehog/SHH signaling and GLI2 transcription (PubMed:24336289). Pore-forming subunit of a channel formed by PKD1L2 and PKD1L3 that contributes to sour taste perception in gustatory cells (PubMed:19812697). The heteromeric channel formed by PKD1L2 and PKD1L3 is activated by low pH, but opens only when the extracellular pH rises again (PubMed:23212381). May play a role in the perception of carbonation taste (By similarity). May play a role in the sensory perception of water, via a mechanism that activates the channel in response to dilution of salivary bicarbonate and changes in salivary pH (By similarity).
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