

UniProtKB accession:  Q9JLB9
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q9JLB9
UniProtKB description:  Plays a role in cell-cell adhesion through heterophilic trans-interactions with nectins-like or other nectins, such as trans-interaction with NECTIN2 at Sertoli-spermatid junctions. Trans-interaction with PVR induces activation of CDC42 and RAC small G proteins through common signaling molecules such as SRC and RAP1. Also involved in the formation of cell-cell junctions, including adherens junctions and synapses. Induces endocytosis-mediated down-regulation of PVR from the cell surface, resulting in reduction of cell movement and proliferation. Plays a role in the morphology of the ciliary body.
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