
Peptidoglycan amidase Tse1

UniProtKB accession:  Q9I2Q1
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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UniProtKB description:  Toxin secreted by the H1 type VI (H1-T6SS) secretion system into the periplasm of recipient cells. Degrades peptidoglycan via amidase activity thereby helping itself to compete with other bacteria (PubMed:21776080, PubMed:22700987, PubMed:22813741, PubMed:22931054). To protect itself, the bacterium synthesizes immunity protein Tsi1 that specifically interacts with and inactivates cognate toxin (PubMed:21776080, PubMed:22700987, PubMed:22931054).
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