

UniProtKB accession:  Q9HAW4
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q9HAW4
UniProtKB description:  Required for checkpoint mediated cell cycle arrest in response to inhibition of DNA replication or to DNA damage induced by both ionizing and UV irradiation (PubMed:12766152, PubMed:15190204, PubMed:15707391, PubMed:16123041). Adapter protein which binds to BRCA1 and the checkpoint kinase CHEK1 and facilitates the ATR-dependent phosphorylation of both proteins (PubMed:12766152, PubMed:15096610, PubMed:15707391, PubMed:16123041). Also required to maintain normal rates of replication fork progression during unperturbed DNA replication. Binds directly to DNA, with particular affinity for branched or forked molecules and interacts with multiple protein components of the replisome such as the MCM2-7 complex and TIMELESS (PubMed:15226314, PubMed:34694004, PubMed:35585232). Important for initiation of DNA replication, recruits kinase CDC7 to phosphorylate MCM2-7 components (PubMed:27401717).
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