
Temperature-induced lipocalin-1

UniProtKB accession:  Q9FGT8
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q9FGT8
UniProtKB description:  Involved in basal (BT) and acquired thermotolerance (AT), probably by preventing plasma membrane lipids peroxidation induced by severe heat-shock (HS) (PubMed:19302169, PubMed:23837879). Lipocalin that confers protection against oxidative stress caused by heat, freezing, paraquat and light (PubMed:18671872, PubMed:19302169). Confers resistance to high salt (NaCl) levels, probably by protecting chloroplasts from ion toxicity via ion homeostasis maintenance (PubMed:20959419, PubMed:24028869). Required for seed longevity by ensuring polyunsaturated lipids integrity (PubMed:23837879).
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