
Oocyte-expressed protein homolog

UniProtKB accession:  Q9CWE6
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q9CWE6
UniProtKB description:  As part of the OOEP-KHDC3 scaffold, recruits BLM and TRIM25 to DNA replication forks, thereby promoting the ubiquitination of BLM by TRIM25, enhancing BLM retainment at replication forks and therefore promoting stalled replication fork restart (PubMed:29125140). Positively regulates the homologous recombination-mediated DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway by regulating ATM activation and RAD51 recruitment to DSBs in oocytes (PubMed:29955025). Thereby contributes to oocyte survival and the resumption and completion of meiosis (PubMed:29955025). As a member of the subcortical maternal complex (SCMC), plays an essential role for zygotes to progress beyond the first embryonic cell divisions via regulation of actin dynamics (PubMed:18804437, PubMed:25208553). Required for the formation of F-actin cytoplasmic lattices in oocytes which in turn are responsible for symmetric division of zygotes via the regulation of mitotic spindle formation and positioning (PubMed:25208553).
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