
TIMELESS-interacting protein

UniProtKB accession:  Q9BVW5
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q9BVW5
UniProtKB description:  Plays an important role in the control of DNA replication and the maintenance of replication fork stability (PubMed:17102137, PubMed:23359676, PubMed:35585232). Important for cell survival after DNA damage or replication stress (PubMed:17116885). May be specifically required for the ATR-CHEK1 pathway in the replication checkpoint induced by hydroxyurea or ultraviolet light (PubMed:17296725). Forms a complex with TIMELESS and this complex regulates DNA replication processes under both normal and stress conditions, stabilizes replication forks and influences both CHEK1 phosphorylation and the intra-S phase checkpoint in response to genotoxic stress (PubMed:17102137, PubMed:17116885, PubMed:17296725, PubMed:23359676, PubMed:35585232).
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