
Transcription factor E

UniProtKB accession:  Q8U3H5
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q8U3H5
UniProtKB description:  Transcription factor that plays a role in the activation of archaeal genes transcribed by RNA polymerase. Facilitates transcription initiation by enhancing TATA-box recognition by TATA-box-binding protein (Tbp), and transcription factor B (Tfb) and RNA polymerase recruitment. Not absolutely required for transcription in vitro, but particularly important in cases where Tbp or Tfb function is not optimal. It dynamically alters the nucleic acid-binding properties of RNA polymerases by stabilizing the initiation complex and destabilizing elongation complexes. Seems to translocate with the RNA polymerase following initiation and acts by binding to the non template strand of the transcription bubble in elongation complexes.
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