
Brain tumor protein

UniProtKB accession:  Q8MQJ9
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q8MQJ9
UniProtKB description:  A NHL-domain family protein that functions a translational repressor to inhibit cell proliferation (PubMed:11274060). Plays a central role in translation repression of hb mRNA by being recruited by nanos (nos) and pum to the Nanos Response Element (NRE), a 16 bp sequence in the hb mRNA 3'-UTR (PubMed:11274060). Probably recruited by other proteins to repress translation of other mRNAs in other tissues (PubMed:11274060). Involved in the regulation of ribosomal RNA synthesis and cell growth (PubMed:11807032). Participates in abdominal segmentation and imaginal disk development (PubMed:11274060). During neuroblast division, segregates asymmetrically and inhibits self-renewal of one of the two daughter cells (PubMed:16564014). Together with the asymmetrically segregating transcription factor prospero ensures that the daughter cell will stop growing, exit the cell cycle, and differentiate into neurons possibly by modulating the function of dm in ganglion mother cells (GMC) (PubMed:11807032, PubMed:16564014). Restricts developmental potential of type II intermediary neuronal progenitor (INP) cells playing a role in proliferation and maturation of the neuroblasts (PubMed:14561773, PubMed:18342578, PubMed:22143802, PubMed:24550111).
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