
Telomere repeats-binding bouquet formation protein 1

UniProtKB accession:  Q8C0V1
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q8C0V1
UniProtKB description:  Meiosis-specific telomere-associated protein involved in meiotic telomere attachment to the nucleus inner membrane, a crucial step for homologous pairing and synapsis (PubMed:24413433, PubMed:24885367, PubMed:26548954). Component of the MAJIN-TERB1-TERB2 complex, which promotes telomere cap exchange by mediating attachment of telomeric DNA to the inner nuclear membrane and replacement of the protective cap of telomeric chromosomes: in early meiosis, the MAJIN-TERB1-TERB2 complex associates with telomeric DNA and the shelterin/telosome complex. During prophase, the complex matures and promotes release of the shelterin/telosome complex from telomeric DNA (PubMed:26548954). In the MAJIN-TERB1-TERB2 complex, TERB1 probably mediates association with the shelterin/telosome complex via interaction with TERF1, promoting priming telomeric DNA attachment' (PubMed:26548954). Promotes telomere association with the nuclear envelope and deposition of the SUN-KASH/LINC complex (PubMed:24413433, PubMed:24885367). Also recruits cohesin to telomeres to develop structural rigidity (PubMed:24413433).
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