
Terminal uridylyltransferase 2

UniProtKB accession:  Q86MV5
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q86MV5
UniProtKB description:  Terminal uridylyltransferase which, as part of the mitochondrial RNA editing core complex (RECC), is involved in the post-transcriptional editing of mitochondrial RNA, a process involving the addition and deletion of uridine (U) nucleotides in the pre-mRNA (PubMed:12820966, PubMed:19465686, PubMed:20362585). Specifically, catalyzes the addition of one U to single-stranded RNA with a preference for a 3'-terminal A or G and adds the number of Us specified by a guide RNA (gRNA) to precleaved double-stranded RNA editing substrates (PubMed:12820966, PubMed:16281058, PubMed:19465686, PubMed:20362585). Essential for the survival of the bloodstream form (PubMed:16281058).
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