
Arginine ADP-riboxanase CopC

UniProtKB accession:  Q7NWF2
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UniProtKB description:  ADP-riboxanase effector that inhibits host cell programmed cell death (PubMed:34671164, PubMed:35338844, PubMed:35446120, PubMed:36423631). Acts by mediating arginine ADP-riboxanation of host caspases (CASP3, CASP7, CASP8 and CASP9), blocking their processing and activation (PubMed:35338844, PubMed:35446120, PubMed:36423631). ADP-riboxanation of host apoptotic caspases (CASP3, CASP7, CASP8 and CASP9) prevents their activation, thereby inhibiting host cell apoptosis (PubMed:35338844, PubMed:35446120, PubMed:36423631). ADP-riboxanation of host CASP8 also inhibits host cell necroptosis (PubMed:35338844, PubMed:35446120). ADP-riboxanation of host CASP3 also abolishes pyroptosis by preventing its ability to cleave GSDME (PubMed:35338844). May also able to inactivate CASP4/CASP11, blocking inhibiting LPS-induced pyroptosis; however this activity is unsure in vivo (PubMed:34671164). ADP-riboxanation takes place in several steps: CopC first binds host caspases and NAD(+); NAD(+) is hydrolyzed to nicotinamide and ADP-D-ribose (PubMed:36423631). CopC then transfers the ADP-D-ribose to the modified arginine of caspases and forms the ADP-D-ribose-deacylization on arginine, leading to deamination to remove one N-omega group on target arginine (PubMed:35338844, PubMed:36423631).
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