
Spindle assembly abnormal protein 6 homolog

UniProtKB accession:  Q6UVJ0
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q6UVJ0
UniProtKB description:  Central scaffolding component of the centrioles ensuring their 9-fold symmetry (By similarity). Required for centrosome biogenesis and duplication: required both for mother-centriole-dependent centriole duplication and deuterosome-dependent centriole amplification in multiciliated cells (PubMed:15665853, PubMed:16244668, PubMed:17681131). Not required for centriole formation in embryonic stem cells but necessary to maintain centriole architecture (By similarity). Required for the recruitment of STIL to the procentriole and for STIL-mediated centriole amplification (PubMed:22020124). Overexpression results in excess foci-bearing centriolar markers (PubMed:15665853).
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