
Cementoblastoma-derived protein 1

UniProtKB accession:  Q6PRD7
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q6PRD7
UniProtKB description:  May play a role in development of the periodontium which surrounds and supports the teeth by promoting the differentiation of multi-potent cells from the periodontal ligament into cementoblasts to form the cementum (PubMed:17509525, PubMed:21465469, PubMed:21929512). Binds hydroxyapatite and may promote the biomineralization of the cementum (PubMed:19393626). Also promotes cell proliferation (PubMed:17509525, PubMed:21929512, PubMed:26011628).
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Protein Domains
