
Metalloreductase STEAP4

UniProtKB accession:  Q687X5
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q687X5
UniProtKB description:  Integral membrane protein that functions as a NADPH-dependent ferric-chelate reductase, using NADPH from one side of the membrane to reduce a Fe(3+) chelate that is bound on the other side of the membrane. Mediates sequential transmembrane electron transfer from NADPH to FAD and onto heme, and finally to the Fe(3+) chelate (PubMed:30337524). Can also reduce Cu(2+) to Cu(1+) (By similarity). Plays a role in systemic metabolic homeostasis, integrating inflammatory and metabolic responses (By similarity). Associated with obesity and insulin-resistance (PubMed:18381574, PubMed:18430367). Involved in inflammatory arthritis, through the regulation of inflammatory cytokines (PubMed:19660107). Inhibits anchorage-independent cell proliferation (PubMed:19787193).
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