
Cysteine protease RavZ

UniProtKB accession:  Q5ZUV9
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UniProtKB description:  Cysteine protease effector that inhibits host cell autophagy by targeting lipid-conjugated ATG8 family proteins on pre-autophagosomal structures (PubMed:23112293, PubMed:26343456, PubMed:28395732, PubMed:29458288, PubMed:31719622, PubMed:31722778, PubMed:32686895, PubMed:33298241). Specifically hydrolyzes the amide bond between the C-terminal glycine residue and an adjacent aromatic residue in ATG8 proteins conjugated to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), producing an ATG8 protein that cannot be reconjugated by host ATG7 and ATG3 (PubMed:23112293, PubMed:26343456, PubMed:28395732, PubMed:29458288, PubMed:32686895). Mechanistically, Ravz interacts with ATG8 proteins conjugated to PE via its LIR motifs, extracts them from the membrane of autophagosomes and integrates the PE part into its own lipid-binding site (PubMed:28395732). It then removes the lipid component of the ATG8 protein (PubMed:28395732). Also able to mediate delipidation of ATG8 proteins conjugated to phosphatidylserine (PS) during non-canonical autophagy (PubMed:33909989). Inhibits host ubiquitin recruitment to bacteria-containing vacuoles, suggesting that it is able to mediate delipidation of other proteins in addition to ATG8 proteins (PubMed:28971069). It is however not involved in the exclusion of autophagy adapters from bacteria-containing vacuoles decorated with ubiquitin (PubMed:32482642).
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