
Autotransporter adhesin BadA

UniProtKB accession:  Q5MWV9
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q5MWV9
UniProtKB description:  Mediates bacterial adherence to host endothelial cells and host extracellular matrix proteins (collagen type I, III, IV, laminin and fibronectin). Static versus dynamic adherence results differ slightly; in dynamic adherence studies bacteria bind to fixed components under a constant defined flow rate to simulate in vivo infection conditions (PubMed:15534369, PubMed:17060468, PubMed:18627378, PubMed:21536788, PubMed:23163798). Induces secretion of host proangiogenic cytokines such as VEGFA, ADM, IGFBP-3 and IL-8. May prevent bacterial phagocytosis by macrophages (Probable) (PubMed:15534369). Probably mediates bacterial autoagglutination (PubMed:17060468, PubMed:18627378). Negatively impacts type IV secretion system effectors (VirB/D4 T4SS and its substrate Bep proteins), possibly by preventing close association of host and bacterial cells. This implies the 2 factors are expressed at different times during infection (Probable).
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