
AA11 family lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase

UniProtKB accession:  Q2UA85
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UniProtKB description:  Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LMPO) that depolymerizes chitin via the oxidation of scissile beta-(1-4)-glycosidic bonds, yielding C1 or C4 oxidation products (PubMed:24362702). Catalysis by LPMOs requires the reduction of the active-site copper from Cu(II) to Cu(I) by a reducing agent and H(2)O(2) or O(2) as a cosubstrate (PubMed:24362702). Active on chitin but has no activity on other substrates, including diverse mannans, cellulose and starch (data not shown) (PubMed:24362702). Primary chain cleavage yields predominantly aldonic acid oligosaccharides with even-numbered degrees of polymerization (PubMed:24362702).
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