
Superkiller complex protein 2

UniProtKB accession:  Q15477
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q15477
UniProtKB description:  Helicase component of the SKI complex, a multiprotein complex that assists the RNA-degrading exosome during the mRNA decay and quality-control pathways (PubMed:16024656, PubMed:32006463, PubMed:35120588). The SKI complex catalyzes mRNA extraction from 80S ribosomal complexes in the 3'-5' direction and channels mRNA to the cytosolic exosome for degradation (PubMed:32006463, PubMed:35120588). SKI-mediated extraction of mRNA from stalled ribosomes allow binding of the Pelota-HBS1L complex and subsequent ribosome disassembly by ABCE1 for ribosome recycling (PubMed:32006463). In the nucleus, the SKI complex associates with transcriptionally active genes in a manner dependent on PAF1 complex (PAF1C) (PubMed:16024656).
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