
Histone acetyltransferase RTT109

UniProtKB accession:  Q07794
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q07794
UniProtKB description:  Histone chaperone-dependent acetylase that modifies 'Lys-9', 'Lys-14', 'Lys-23', 'Lys-27', and 'Lys-56' on histone H3 (H3K9Ac, H3K14Ac and H3K23Ac, H3K27Ac, and H3K56Ac) to promote nucleosome assembly, genomic stability, DNA repair and transcriptional regulation during mitotic S-phase (PubMed:17046836, PubMed:17272723, PubMed:17320445, PubMed:17369253, PubMed:18723682, PubMed:19172748, PubMed:19683497, PubMed:20560668, PubMed:21256037, PubMed:29300933, PubMed:31194870). Its residue selectivity is influenced by the acetylation status of histone H3, and also the presence of histone chaperone ASF1 that shifts selectivity to 'Lys-56' when H3K14Ac is already present (PubMed:31194870). H3K56 acetylation weakens the interaction between the histone core and the surrounding DNA in the nucleosomal particle and drives chromatin disassembly (PubMed:18577595). Autoacetylates (PubMed:18568037, PubMed:18707894, PubMed:18719104). Independently of acetyltransferase activity, stimulates histone deposition by VPS75 (PubMed:19172748). Involved in regulation of Ty1 transposition (PubMed:11779788).
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