
Outer surface protein C

UniProtKB accession:  Q07337
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q07337
UniProtKB description:  A major immunodominant protein in mammalian hosts (PubMed:8098841, PubMed:8225587, PubMed:8478109). Required for the initial stages of mammalian infection (PubMed:14970347, PubMed:16714588, PubMed:20199597, PubMed:28873507). Interaction with tick I.ricinus salivary protein Salp15 protects the bacteria from antibody-mediated killing in vitro and in vivo (PubMed:18752445). Inhibits macrophage-mediated phagocytosis of the bacteria (PubMed:26438793). Binds human plasminogen; this probably confers an extracellular protease activity on the bacteria that allows it to traverse tissue (PubMed:20199597, PubMed:22433849). Binds human complement C4-B, which may inhibit the complement cascade (Probable) (PubMed:28873507). Experiments in mice suggest it may play another role after initial infection (Probable) (PubMed:27611840).
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