
Peroxisome assembly protein 12

UniProtKB accession:  Q04370
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UniProtKB description:  Component of a retrotranslocation channel required for peroxisome organization by mediating export of the PEX5 receptor from peroxisomes to the cytosol, thereby promoting PEX5 recycling (PubMed:11370741, PubMed:19687296, PubMed:22471590, PubMed:35768507, PubMed:9090384). The retrotranslocation channel is composed of PEX2, PEX10 and PEX12; each subunit contributing transmembrane segments that coassemble into an open channel that specifically allows the passage of PEX5 through the peroxisomal membrane (PubMed:35768507). PEX12 also regulates PEX5 recycling by activating the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase activity of PEX10 (PubMed:35768507). When PEX5 recycling is compromised, PEX12 stimulates PEX10-mediated polyubiquitination of PEX5, leading to its subsequent degradation (PubMed:35768507).
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