
COMPASS component SPP1

UniProtKB accession:  Q03012
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q03012
UniProtKB description:  Component of the Set1C/COMPASS complex that specifically mono-, di- and trimethylates histone H3 to form H3K4me1/2/3, which subsequently plays a role in telomere length maintenance and transcription elongation regulation (PubMed:11742990, PubMed:11752412, PubMed:11805083). COMPASS recognizes ubiquitinated H2B on one face of the nucleosome which stimulates the methylation of H3 on the opposing face (PubMed:31922488). SPP1/CPS40 can recognize methylated histone lysine residue H3K4me3 or unmethylated H3K4 (PubMed:30100186, PubMed:31253666). Stimulates the RNA binding activity of SET1 (PubMed:29071121).
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