
Multidomain regulatory protein Rv1364c

UniProtKB accession:  P9WLZ7
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  P9WLZ7
UniProtKB description:  Primarily acts as an independent SigF regulator that is sensitive to the osmosensory signal, mediating the cross talk of PknD with the SigF regulon (PubMed:30642988). Possesses both phosphatase and kinase activities (PubMed:19700407, PubMed:30642988). The kinase domain functions as a classic anti-sigma factor-like kinase to phosphorylate the anti-anti-sigma factor domain at the canonical regulatory site, and the phosphatase domain antagonizes this activity (PubMed:19700407).
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Structure Features

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Protein Domains
