
C-type lectin BJcuL

UniProtKB accession:  P83519
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Go to UniProtKB:  P83519
UniProtKB description:  Galactose-binding lectin which recognizes specific carbohydrate structures and agglutinates a variety of animal cells by binding to cell-surface glycoproteins and glycolipids. Calcium-dependent lectin. Also binds lactose and raffinose (PubMed:28003128). Shows high hemagglutinating activity on mammalian erythrocytes (PubMed:16309723, Ref.5). It also involved in immunological functions, since it is able of inducing potent neutrophil activation (PubMed:16309723, PubMed:21266049). In vivo, it causes edema and increases vascular permeability after injection into mouse hind paws (10-100 ug/paw). In anesthetized rats, it decreases the blood pressure by approximately 15%, with a rapid return to the resting level (PubMed:16309723). Is an effective inhibitor of cell growth in some cancer cell lines, especially against renal and pancreatic cancer cell lines, human breast and ovarian carcinoma, glioblastoma and a bovine brain microvascular endothelial cell line (PubMed:10628348, PubMed:11478954).
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