

UniProtKB accession:  P56676
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Go to UniProtKB:  P56676
UniProtKB description:  Lethal toxin with multiple biological activities. Inhibits voltage-gated TTX-sensitive sodium channels in DRG neurons (IC(50)=55 nM) and also shows activity when directly tested on Nav1.7/SCN9A (IC(50)=25.1-630 nM) (PubMed:17451655, PubMed:21731778, PubMed:31234412). Inhibits N-type calcium channels (Cav2.2/CACNA1B (IC(50)=100 nM)) (PubMed:11024489, PubMed:17451655). Also blocks neuromuscular transmission (PubMed:10736477, PubMed:8212049, PubMed:9028007). In vivo, intrathecal injected toxin shows analgesic activity in the rat formalin-induced pain model, without induction of motor dysfunction in rats.
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