
F-actin-capping protein subunit beta

UniProtKB accession:  P47756
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Go to UniProtKB:  P47756
UniProtKB description:  F-actin-capping proteins bind in a Ca(2+)-independent manner to the fast growing ends of actin filaments (barbed end) thereby blocking the exchange of subunits at these ends. Unlike other capping proteins (such as gelsolin and severin), these proteins do not sever actin filaments. Plays a role in the regulation of cell morphology and cytoskeletal organization. Forms, with CAPZB, the barbed end of the fast growing ends of actin filaments in the dynactin complex and stabilizes dynactin structure. The dynactin multiprotein complex activates the molecular motor dynein for ultra-processive transport along microtubules (By similarity).
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