
Iron-sulfur clusters transporter ATM1, mitochondrial

UniProtKB accession:  P40416
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Go to UniProtKB:  P40416
UniProtKB description:  Performs an essential function in the generation of cytoplasmic iron-sulfur proteins by mediating the ATP-dependent export of Fe/S cluster precursors synthesized by NFS1 and other mitochondrial proteins (PubMed:10406803, PubMed:25006243, PubMed:31040179). Hydrolyzes ATP (PubMed:24604199, PubMed:25006243). Binds glutathione and may function by transporting a glutathione-conjugated iron-sulfur compound (PubMed:24604199, PubMed:25006243, PubMed:31040179).
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