
Copper chaperone ATX1

UniProtKB accession:  P38636
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  P38636
UniProtKB description:  Copper homeostasis factor that specifically transports copper to the secretory pathway for incorporation into copper enzymes destined for the cell surface or extracellular milieu (PubMed:9346482). Shuttles copper to the transport ATPase CCC2 on a post-Golgi vesicle for eventual targeting to the cell-surface high-affinity iron uptake protein FET3 (PubMed:11327811, PubMed:16732294, PubMed:9083054, PubMed:9346482). Protects against oxygen toxicity (PubMed:7731983).
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