
Netrin unc-6

UniProtKB accession:  P34710
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Go to UniProtKB:  P34710
UniProtKB description:  Component of an extracellular matrix cue that guides dorsoventral migrations on the epidermis (PubMed:8861903). Required for the guidance of pioneer axons and migrating cells along the body wall (PubMed:28846083, PubMed:8332188). In particular, it is required for the guidance of axons from neurons, including SubL neurons and AIY interneurons, into the nerve ring (PubMed:28846083, PubMed:9473333). During gonad morphogenesis, involved in distal tip cell (DTC) migration from the dorsal side of the hermaphrodite body to the midbody to allow for formation of gonad arms (PubMed:17716643, PubMed:22732572). Its association with either unc-40 or unc-5 receptors will lead to axon attraction or repulsion, respectively (PubMed:8332188, PubMed:8861903, PubMed:9473333). Involved in dendritic morphogenesis; may act by association with unc-40 at the tips of growing dendrites for interaction with unc-5 on the apposing branch to induce mutual repulsion (PubMed:22426253). Involved in the positioning of ray 1, the most anterior ray sensilium, in the male tail (PubMed:24004945). Required for the formation of synapses between the AVA interneurons and the PHB sensory neurons (PubMed:29742100).
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