
Cell division control protein 48

UniProtKB accession:  P25694
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Go to UniProtKB:  P25694
UniProtKB description:  ATP-dependent chaperone which probably uses the energy provided by ATP hydrolysis to generate mechanical force to unfold substrate proteins, disassemble protein complexes, and disaggregate protein aggregates (PubMed:21454554, PubMed:31445887). By recruiting and promoting the degradation of ubiquitinated proteins, plays a role in the ubiquitin fusion degradation (UFD) pathway (PubMed:16428438). Has a role in the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway which mediates the cytoplasmic elimination of misfolded proteins exported from the ER (PubMed:11740563, PubMed:11813000, PubMed:11847109, PubMed:21148305). Required for the proteasome-dependent processing/activation of MGA2 and SPT23 transcription factors leading to the subsequent expression of OLE1 (PubMed:11733065, PubMed:11847109). Has an additional role in the turnover of OLE1 where it targets ubiquitinated OLE1 and other proteins to the ERAD (PubMed:11847109). Regulates ubiquitin-mediated mitochondria protein degradation (PubMed:21070972, PubMed:27044889). Involved in spindle disassembly probably by promoting the degradation of spindle assembly factors ASE1 and CDC5 at the end of mitosis (PubMed:14636562). Component of the ribosome quality control complex (RQC), a ribosome-associated complex that mediates ubiquitination and extraction of incompletely synthesized nascent chains for proteasomal degradation (PubMed:23178123, PubMed:24261871). CDC48 may provide the mechanical force that dislodges the polyubiquitinated nascent peptides from the exit channel (PubMed:23178123, PubMed:24261871). Required for ribophagy, a process which relocalizes ribosomal particles into the vacuole for degradation in response to starvation (PubMed:20508643). Component of the DSC E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes that tag proteins present in Golgi, endosome and vacuole membranes and function in protein homeostasis under non-stress conditions and support a role in protein quality control (PubMed:29355480). Substrate initially binds through the attached polyubiquitin chain to UDF1/NPL4 and then moves through the pore of the ATPase rings and is thereby unfolded (PubMed:31249134, PubMed:31249135). Acts on a broad range of even well-folded proteins via ubiquitin-binding and unfolding to initiate substrate processing (PubMed:31249135). Involved in degradation of mislocalized tail-anchored transmembrane proteins extracted from the mitochondrion outer membrane by MSP1 and ubiquitinated by DOA10 (PubMed:31445887).
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