
Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase let-23

UniProtKB accession:  P24348
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UniProtKB description:  Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor which, upon binding ligand lin-3, activates 2 signaling cascades: the let-60/Ras and MAP kinase signaling pathway and the let-60-independent phospholipase C-mediated Ca(2+) signaling pathway. Each pathway regulates distinct functions. By activating let-60/Ras, regulates larval development, induction of vulva cell precursors during vulva development, male spicule formation and posterior development of the epidermis (PubMed:20230814, PubMed:2071015, PubMed:32053105, PubMed:8313880, PubMed:9491893). Probably by activating phospholipase plc-3 and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor itr-1 signaling cascade downstream of ligand lin-3, plays a role in ovulation by promoting ovulatory gonadal sheath cell contractions (PubMed:15194811, PubMed:9491893). Probably by regulating neuronal transmission in ALA neurons, mediates, independently of let-60/Ras, the decrease in pharyngeal pumping and locomotion during the quiescent state that precedes each larval molt, downstream of lin-3 and upstream of plc-3 (PubMed:17891142).
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