

UniProtKB accession:  P21570
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Go to UniProtKB:  P21570
UniProtKB description:  Ribonuclease that cleaves tRNA within anticodon loops to produce tRNA-derived stress-induced fragments (tiRNAs) which inhibit protein synthesis and triggers the assembly of stress granules (SGs) (PubMed:19114040, PubMed:33986151). Binds to actin on the surface of endothelial cells; once bound, angiogenin is endocytosed and translocated to the nucleus (By similarity). Stimulates ribosomal RNA synthesis including that containing the initiation site sequences of 45S rRNA (By similarity). Angiogenin induces vascularization of normal and malignant tissues (By similarity). Angiogenic activity is regulated by interaction with RNH1 in vivo (By similarity).
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