
DNA-binding protein StpA

UniProtKB accession:  P0ACG1
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Go to UniProtKB:  P0ACG1
UniProtKB description:  A DNA-binding protein that acts in a fashion similar to H-NS protein upon overexpression, represses a number of genes including the cryptic blg operon, hns, papB and the proU locus (PubMed:8890170). A subset of H-NS/StpA-regulated genes also require Hha for repression; Hha and Cnu (YdgT) increases the number of genes DNA bound by H-NS/StpA and may also modulate the oligomerization of the H-NS/StpA-complex (PubMed:23543115). Repression can be inhibited by dominant-negative mutants of StpA or H-NS (PubMed:8755860).
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