
Holliday junction branch migration complex subunit RuvA

UniProtKB accession:  P0A809
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UniProtKB description:  The RuvA-RuvB-RuvC complex processes Holliday junction (HJ) DNA during genetic recombination and DNA repair (PubMed:21531731, PubMed:6374379). The RuvA-RuvB complex plays an important role in the rescue of blocked DNA replication forks via replication fork reversal (RFR); RFR and homologous recombination required for UV light survival can be separated (PubMed:16424908, PubMed:18942176, PubMed:21531731, PubMed:9814711). The RuvA-RuvB complex promotes Holliday junction (HJ) branch migration. RuvA binds to HJ cruciform DNA, conferring on it an open structure (PubMed:10890893, PubMed:7885479, PubMed:9628481). In the presence of RuvB, ATP and Mg(2+) the junction is dissociated; hydrolyzable (d)NTPs can replace ATP but other analogs cannot (PubMed:10772859, PubMed:10890893, PubMed:1608954, PubMed:1617728, PubMed:1833759, PubMed:7885479, PubMed:8393934, PubMed:9628481). The RuvB hexamer acts as a pump, pulling dsDNA into and through the RuvAB complex (PubMed:9078376). Can bypass UV-induced lesions (PubMed:1617728) and physically cross-linked DNA strands (PubMed:10662672). RuvA gives specificity by binding to cruciform junctions, while the RuvB ATPase provides the motor force for branch migration; excess RuvB can promote branch migration in the absence of RuvA (PubMed:10662672, PubMed:1617728). Overexpression of RuvA alone leads to UV sensitivity (PubMed:2164626). RuvA stimulates the weak ATPase activity of RuvB in the presence of DNA; the addition of HJ DNA further stimulates ATPase about 10-fold (PubMed:1435721, PubMed:1833759, PubMed:8393934). Inhibits RuvC endoDNase activity by binding to HJ DNA, including DNA to which RuvC is already bound (PubMed:9000618). Does not bind dsDNA (PubMed:11080172). May act as a collar that slides at HJ which promotes branch migration while inhibiting other DNA remodeling activities (Probable).
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