
Type IV major pilin protein PilA

UniProtKB accession:  P04739
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Go to UniProtKB:  P04739
UniProtKB description:  Major component of the type IV pilus (T4P) that plays a role in surface and host cell adhesion, colonization, biofilm maturation, virulence, and twitching, a form of surface-associated motility facilitated by cycles of extension, adhesion, and retraction of T4P fibers (PubMed:26041805, PubMed:31431558, PubMed:9282737). In addition, plays a critical role in type II secretion of exoenzymes by interacting with specific components such as XcpT or XcpU (PubMed:9282737). Modulates host calcium signaling through interaction with host calcium-modulating cyclophilin ligand (PubMed:23266901).
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