
DNA polymerase

UniProtKB accession:  P03680
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Go to UniProtKB:  P03680
UniProtKB description:  Polymerase responsible for protein-primed viral DNA replication by strand displacement with high processivity and fidelity (PubMed:2498321, PubMed:3863101). To start replication, the DNA polymerase forms a heterodimer with a free primer terminal protein (TP), recognizes the replication origins at both 5' ends of the linear chromosome, and initiates replication using as primer the OH-group of Ser-232 of the TP (PubMed:22210885). This polymerase possesses three enzymatic activities: DNA synthesis (polymerase), primer terminal protein (TP) deoxynucleotidylation, which is the formation of a covalent linkage (phosphoester) between the hydroxyl group of a specific serine residue in TP and 5'-dAMP, a reaction directed by the second T at the 3' end, and 3' to 5' exonuclease activity (PubMed:2790959). Exonuclease activity has a proofreading purpose (PubMed:2790959). DNA polymerase edits the polymerization errors using an intramolecular pathway as the primer terminus travels from one active site to the other without dissociation from the DNA (PubMed:10493855). DNA polymerization catalyzed by the DNA polymerase is a highly accurate process, but the protein-primed initiation is a quite inaccurate reaction (PubMed:8428945). Since the polymerase initiates the replication on the second thymine, the TP-dAMP initiation product translocates backwards to recover the template information of the first nucleotide (sliding back-mechanism) (PubMed:19011105).
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