

UniProtKB accession:  P03418
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Go to UniProtKB:  P03418
UniProtKB description:  Encapsidates the viral RNA genome by forming a left-handed helical nucleocapsid that protects the RNA from nucleases (PubMed:19965480, PubMed:23677789, PubMed:31229488). RNA replication depends on the availability of soluble nucleoprotein (PubMed:22623798, PubMed:9299631). The encapsidated genomic RNA is termed the NC and serves as template for transcription and replication (PubMed:22623798). Together with the phosphoprotein, sequesters host NF-kappa-B in inclusion bodies (IBs) thereby inhibiting this host defense pathway (PubMed:32878896). May also act as a modulator of the innate immune response by sequestration of host IFIH1/MDA5 and MAVS into IBs (PubMed:22623778).
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