
Mu-conotoxin GIIIA

UniProtKB accession:  P01523
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UniProtKB description:  Mu-conotoxins block voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav). This toxin potently blocks rat Nav1.4/SCN4A (IC(50)= 19-110 nM) (PubMed:10627583, PubMed:1326324, PubMed:1654319, PubMed:21652775, PubMed:30360356). It also moderately blocks rNav1.1/SCN1A (Kd=260 nM), rNav1.2/SCN2A (IC(50)=2.7-17.8 uM), and mNav1.6/SCN8A (IC(50)=680 nM) (PubMed:10627583, PubMed:21652775). The inhibition is reversible. In vivo, induces paralysis to an isolated skeletal muscle preparation from frog (cutaneous pectoralis) within a few minutes (PubMed:2410412).
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