

UniProtKB accession:  P01514
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UniProtKB description:  Antimicrobial and mast cell degranulating peptide that interacts with lipid bilayers and activates G-protein coupled receptors (PubMed:2117607, PubMed:30613778, PubMed:3129426). Shows antimicrobial activity against some Gram-positive bacteria (S.aureus MIC=5 uM), Gram-negative bacteria (E.coli (MIC=50 uM), S.enterica), and fungi (B.cinerea (MIC=8 uM), C.albicans (MIC=25 uM), C.albicans, C.glabrata, and C.neoformans) (PubMed:21184791, PubMed:27104500). Does not show antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive S.mutans (PubMed:27104500). Shows cytolytic activity against insect cell lines, as well as cytotoxicity against murine fibroblasts (L929), murine macrophages monocytes (RAW 264.7), and human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells (PubMed:21184791, PubMed:33046640). Has also mast cell degranulation activity (PubMed:30613778, PubMed:540362). It functions by activating connective tissue mast cells via the MRGPRX2 G-protein coupled receptors (PubMed:30613778). Also stimulates nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDPK) in many cell types, and indirectly stimulates G-protein coupled receptors through interaction with NDPK (PubMed:1338595, PubMed:7998971, PubMed:8573186). Also shows hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes (PubMed:21184791, PubMed:33046640). Interacts with membranes and may be able to switch from an in-plane to a transmembrane orientation in lipid bilayers (PubMed:11168364). Has anxiolytic properties that can be explained by its ability to stimulate monoamine exocytosis and reduce plasma corticosterone (PubMed:3129426, PubMed:32059939). In docking studies, it also shows high affinity for GABA(A), 5-HT1A (HTR1A), corticotropin-releasing factor receptor subtype 1 (CRHR1) and glucocorticoid receptors (NR3C1), suggesting the involvement of GABAergic, serotonergic and glucocorticoid mechanisms in its anxiolytic-like properties (PubMed:32059939). In vivo, when tested on a mouse dermonecrotic S.aureus infection model, topical treatment with this peptide enhances clearance of S.aureus and accelerates healing of dermonecrotic lesions (PubMed:30613778). In vivo, oral and intracerebroventricular administration into mice induces anxiolytic-like effects (PubMed:32059939). In vivo, peptide injection in the vicinity of the head and thorax of lepidopteran larvae induces feeding disorder followed by death due to starvation (PubMed:21184791).
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