
DNA endonuclease ctp1

UniProtKB accession:  O74986
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Go to UniProtKB:  O74986
UniProtKB description:  Endonuclease that cooperates with the MRN complex in processing meiotic and mitotic double-strand breaks by allowing the endonucleolytic removal of rec12 from the break sites and ensuring both resection and intrachromosomal association of the broken ends (PubMed:16303567, PubMed:17936710, PubMed:18378696, PubMed:19139281, PubMed:33836577). Specifically promotes the endonuclease activity of the MRN complex to clear DNA ends containing protein adducts: recruited to DSBs by nbs1 following phosphorylation, and promotes the endonuclease of rad32 to clear protein-DNA adducts and generate clean double-strand break ends (PubMed:33836577). Required for the formation of RPA-coated single strand DNA adjacent to the DSBs where it functions together with the MRN complex in 5'- 3' resection (PubMed:16303567, PubMed:17936710, PubMed:18378696, PubMed:19139281). Required for the repair of programmed meiotic DSBs (PubMed:16303567, PubMed:17936710, PubMed:18378696, PubMed:19139281). Involved also in an rhp51 recombinase-dependent recombinational repair pathway (PubMed:16303567, PubMed:17936710, PubMed:18378696, PubMed:19139281).
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