
Mitochondrial distribution and morphology protein 35

UniProtKB accession:  O60200
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Go to UniProtKB:  O60200
UniProtKB description:  Involved in mitochondrial distribution and morphology. Mediates the import of UPS1, UPS2 and UPS3, 3 atypical mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) proteins lacking the two major IMS-targeting signals, into the intermembrane space. The UPS1:MDM35 complex mediates the transfer of phosphatidic acid (PA) between liposomes and probably functions as a PA transporter across the mitochondrion intermembrane space (PubMed:26071601, PubMed:26071602, PubMed:26235513). Phosphatidic acid import is required for cardiolipin (CL) synthesis in the mitochondrial inner membrane (PubMed:26071602).
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