
Serine/threonine-protein kinase BIK1

UniProtKB accession:  O48814
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UniProtKB description:  Plays a central role in immune responses (PubMed:20413097, PubMed:29649442). Required to activate the resistance responses to necrotrophic pathogens, including the regulation of defense hormone expression (e.g. jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA)) (PubMed:16339855, PubMed:29649442). Phosphorylates FLS2 and BAK1 (PubMed:20404519, PubMed:24104392). Involved in pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP)-triggered immunity (PTI) signaling, including calcium signaling, and defense responses downstream of FLS2; upon PAMP recognition, first phosphorylated by FLS2 and SIK1 prior to being monoubiquitinated by ATL44/RHA3A and ATL45/RHA3B at the plasma membrane, then internalized dynamically into endocytic compartments together with FLS2 (PubMed:20413097, PubMed:25522736, Ref.20, PubMed:30212650). Acts additively with PBL1 in PTI defenses (PubMed:20413097). Acts as a positive regulator of the PAMP flg22-induced increase of cytosolic calcium. Binds directly and phosphorylates the NADPH oxidase RBOHD at specific sites in a calcium-independent manner to enhance reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation upon flg22 perception. ROS production in response to flg22 controls stomatal movement and restriction of bacterial entry into leaf tissues (PubMed:24629339). Seems not required for flg22-induced MAPK activation (Probable). Required for Pep1-induced defenses. Pep1 is an endogenous elicitor that potentiates PAMP-inducible plant responses. In association with PEPR1, acts downstream of the canonical ethylene signaling cascade to regulate ethylene responses (PubMed:23431184). Involved in ethylene signaling. Destabilizes EIN3, the key transcription activator in ethylene signaling, and represses EIN3-dependent transcription (PubMed:26021844). Acts as a negative regulator in brassinosteroid (BR) signaling. Functions in BR signaling by direct interaction with the BR receptor BRI1 cytosolic kinase domain (PubMed:23818580). Required during SCOOP small peptides (e.g. SCOOP10 and SCOOP12) perception and signaling; receptor-like cytosolic kinases (RLCK) activated by BAK1/SERK3 and SERK4 coreceptors when associated with MIK2 upon the perception of SCOOP peptides (PubMed:34535661).
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