
Nonribosomal peptide synthase sidN

UniProtKB accession:  K7NCP5
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Go to UniProtKB:  K7NCP5
UniProtKB description:  Nonribosomal peptide synthase required for the biosynthetis of epichloenin A, an extracellular siderophore that plays a crucial role in endophyte-grass symbioses (PubMed:19923209, PubMed:23658520). SidN assembles epichloenin A by activating and incorporating three trans-anhydromevalonylhydroxyornithine (trans-AMHO), 1 glutamine and 4 glycine moieties (PubMed:23658520). Trans-AMHO is produced from L-ornithine via 2 steps involving a L-ornithine N(5)-monooxygenase and an AHMO-N(5)-transacylase that have still to be identified (PubMed:19923209). The third adenylation domain (A3) of sidN incorporates the hydroxamate groups of the siderophore which forms an octahedral iron complex (PubMed:19923209). The other component amino acids are assembled by sidN adenylation domains A1 and A2 (PubMed:19923209, PubMed:23658520).
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